be admitted to

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be admitted to

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:52:22
  • 单语例句
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be admitted to的近义词

1. But he admitted it will be very difficult to catch it in the title race.

2. The woman was admitted to Caritas Medical Centre on Aug 9 to be treated for scoliosis and lumbar spinal stenosis.

3. He admitted that he might be " addicted " to the Internet.

4. The college said students with a score of four points lower than last year's average admission marks will not be very likely to be admitted.

5. Beyonce Knowles has admitted that she is relieved to be putting some weight back on, after shooting the film Dreamgirls.

6. Terry admitted the result was bittersweet as he will be denied the opportunity to lead Chelsea in Munich.

7. The injured have been admitted to a local hospital where the condition of some people were said to be serious.

8. He admitted that it would be a long and complicated process to get government approval in China under the current policy.

9. He admitted police have yet to identify the perpetrator and he acknowledged there could be copycat incidents with more than one perpetrator.

10. The professor's words imply that all such petitioners suffer from mental disorder and should be admitted to correctional institutes.

1. Moreover, people who will be considered unfit for entering the stadium, perhaps due to alcohol excess, won't be admitted.

2. Submit a sample of the biomaterial to a depository institution admitted by the administrative department for patent under the State Council before the application date, or, at the latest, on the application date (or the priority date if there is a right of priority concerned) for deposit, and submit, at the time of application, or, at the latest, within 4 months as of the application date, a receipt of deposit and the viability proof from the depository institution; where they have not been submitted at the expiry of the time limit, the sample shall be deemed to have not been deposited

3. be admitted to的反义词

3. Mary is fourth in line to be admitted to the society.

4. Advertisement of the believe what one hears before be admitted to hospital, do not listen to doctor advice, the person that take the medicaments that advertisement publicizes 4. The 1.2 methods that monitor use dynamic blood sugar of MINIMED of beautiful honest force to monitor appearance, the following abdomen or epigastrium insert a dot for probe, the 72 H that monitor or longer chroma of dextrose of the fluid between the cell, daily input 4~6 second value of blood sugar pointing to blood, by him patient or the doctor helps an input or record big event (dine, motion, with medicine and other), monitor 1, 2, each download record result 1 times when 3 D. After logger of plan of cure of 1.3 attune punish records 24h, its information downloads, according to trend of blood sugar wave motion, adjust remedial plan. After 48 H, download 1 times again, if blood sugar stability amounts to mark, adjust remedial plan no longer, like blood sugar cannot satisfaction amounts to mark, offer tone punish cure program again, after 72 H, its information complete download.
入院前听信广告,不听医生劝告,服用广告宣传的药物者4例。1.2监测方法采用美敦力MINIMED动态血糖监测仪,以下腹部或上腹部为探头插入点,监测72 h或更长时间细胞间液葡萄糖浓度,每日输入4~6次指血血糖值,由患者本人或医生帮助输入或记录大事件(进餐、运动、用药及其它),监测1、2、3 d时各下载1次记录结果。1.3调整治疗方案记录器记录24h后,将其信息下载,根据血糖波动趋向,调整治疗方案。48 h后,再下载1次,如血糖稳定达标,则不再调整治疗方案,如血糖不能满足达标,则再给予调整治疗方案,72 h后,将其信息完整下载。

5. be admitted to的翻译

5. To be admitted into the Web networks.

6. In the Kantian epoch it still claimed for itself only a relative immanence, for it believed in the existence of a transcendent Creator and admitted the existence of noumena, unknowable, to be sure, but with which we maintain relations.

7. Vis-à-vis已购公房, the second-hand houses have good size, new housing, residential environment and an integrated high quality, and second-hand housing transaction costs less, do not have to pay 1% of the land transfer payment; vis-à-vis the new housing for, second-hand houses are generally existing homes, the risk factor of small, housing quality assurance can be admitted immediately; and prices are mostly lower than the same location of new housing, but also do not have to pay 2% of the public maintenance fund.
相对于已购公房,二手房屋具有良好的规模,新的住房,居住环境和集成高品质,和二手房交易成本较低,不需要支付1 %的土地转移支付;对新住房,二手住房一般现有房屋,危险因素小,住房质量保证可以立即承认;和价格大多低于同一位置的新的住房,而且还做不必支付2 %的公共维修基金。

8. The Pharisee admitted no fault and even boasted for his merits, despising the Publican who considered himself to be a sinner.

9. New Birmingham City owner Carson Yeung has admitted his long-term aim is to be in charge of a Blues team of 11 Chinese players.


10. Unless the court otherwise orders, a document shall not be admitted in evidence under this section unless 14 days'notice in writing of the intention to tender such document in evidence, together with a copy thereof and of the certificate of the Chief Secretary in respect thereof, has been served

11. be admitted to的意思

11. Unless the court otherwise orders, a certificate shall not be admitted in evidence under subsection (5) unless 14 days'notice in writing of the intention to tender such certificate in evidence, together with a copy thereof and of the statement to which it relates, has been served

12. be admitted to的翻译

12. But if the principle of the pretension be admitted, no one can reasonably object to its being acted on in the sense of the majority, or other preponderating power in the country; and all persons must be ready to conform to the idea of a Christian commonwealth, as understood by the early settlers in New England, if a religious profession similar to theirs should ever succeed in regaining its lost ground, as religions supposed to be declining have so often been known to do.

13. Salomon Kalou recently admitted that he needs to be more clinical in front of goal and it would appear that he did get any shooting boots in his Christmas stocking as, after slaloming his way into the box, he blazed high over the bar.

14. I in less than a day being at school at 7 o'clock in the morning, go home at 7 o'clock in the evening The dinner queen wants to make large amount of school assignment too, until ability at 12 o'clock go to bed I am so real as very much, to be tired out, but be had no choosing I firmly believe that I must can be admitted to a college next year as long as I study in effort, School organizes us getting rid of Fragrant Mountain tree planting To that queen, the teacher divides us into 8 group, every plants ten tree set We dig a pit first, and then sprinkle water on a sapling is felled going in, cover soil, final We have worked with great zeal, hour of queen 2 has accomplished a mission right away Return we have felt very tired on the way, but extraordinary being glad, has entered but a force because of we are to protect the environment Despite of she has fallen ill, has it is habitually in the past the samer for he to look as if being at school go to.


15. For the regional climate understanding about the wind drifting sands and dust motions a ppeared in present winter and spring seasons induced by southwards strentch of the Sibria-Mogolia anticyclone in the northern part of China, it is admitted that the 27 periods of aeolian sand accumulation revealed in the Salawusu Section should be the results of several-dynamic state processes of the geologic time's wind sands and dust similar to those of the above-mentioned winter and spring.


16. However, better test every year as some are, I am a person who will never admit defeat, once again in 2009 I enrolled in the test as, I believe that my lack of in 2008, topping-up of local, I this time will certainly be able to play well, if I考不上is still the same, I would like to apply the same next year until I was admitted so far.

17. These must be at least seventeen years of age when received; they are then postulants for two years, novices for two more, after which they may be admitted to simple, though perpetual vows, then after six years more they may make solemn vows.

18. Although people's lives have been dramatically changed over the last decad es, it must be admitted that, shortage of funds is still the one of the biggest qu estions that students nowadays have to face because that tuition fees and prices of books are soaring by the day.

19. These problems can usually be taken care of in the outpatient clinic, but sometimes a patient needs to be admitted to the hospital for an overnight stay.

20. Although people`s lives have been dramatically changed over the last decades, it must be admitted that, shortage of funds is still the one of the biggest questions that students nowadays have to face because that tuition fees and prices of books are soaring by the day.

  • 临近词
The Faculty of Arts was the lowest in rank, but also the largest faculty that students had to graduate from to be admitted to one of the higher faculties.(文科学院是等级最低的学院,但也是最大的学院,学生必须从该学院毕业,才能进入较高学院学习。)
I plan to study like crazy, so that I can get the grades I need to be admitted to college.(2-2我计划要疯狂念书,让自己可以达到考进大学所需的成绩。)
Teens who abort are more likely to develop psychological problems, and are nearly three times more likely to be admitted to mental health hospitals than teens in general.(堕胎青少年更有可能出现心理问题,进精神健康医院的可能性比一般青少年几乎高三倍。)
Except for some inferior courts, judges are generally required to be admitted to practice but do not practice while on the bench.(除了某些较级别的法院外,法官一般都被要求具有开业律师资格,但是在任法官期间不得开业。)
You will not be admitted to the theatre after the performance has started.(演出开始后不许进入剧场。)
My son will be admitted to the company this year.(我儿子今年将进那家公司工作。)
Through hard work, we can be admitted to our dream university eventually.(通过努力,我们可以考上我们理想的大学。)
Mary is fourth in line to be admitted to the society.(玛丽是有可能进入该社团的第四号人选。)
You should be admitted to hospital and treated with penicillin and streptomycin.(你应当住院用青霉素和链霉素治疗。)
Now I dare say: My dream is that I'll be admitted to Qinghua University.(现在我敢说了:我的梦想是,我将考进清华大学。)
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